Video Technician
Serving as a St. Andrew’s Video Technician helps to ensure the church accomplishes its mission through the production of creative and inspiring services and special events.
General Description
The Video Technician serves as part of the Worship Team during services. Scheduled on a rotating basis, the Video Technician configures, operates, and troubleshoots all audio/video equipment used in the execution of services and special events. This includes audio/visual equipment connection, computer used for the projection of announcements, worship songs, videos, sermon notes, etc., during rehearsal(s) and
production of all services and special events.
Time Commitment
The Video Technician serves during praise team rehearsals, scheduled services and special events as needed.
The church will provide the necessary training with enlisted professional sound technicians on all pertinent equipment prior to operating the equipment alone. Training for this position is NOT
Specific Duties and Responsibilities
* Arrive prior to the scheduled event/activity time and begin review of service schedule and other information related to the service or special event.
* Evaluate the status of the audio/video equipment and reconfigure as needed.
* Assist the Audio Technician with checking and replacing batteries as needed in wireless
microphones and other equipment as needed.
* Participate in rehearsals to fully understand service details and to practice transitions and video cues as needed to minimize distractions during the service(s).
* Attend praise team practice at designated times to review and make adjustment to the song presentations for the upcoming Sunday Worship Services.
* Coordinate with other Worship Team members to produce the service/special event as planned.
* Attend Worship Team meetings and training sessions as needed.
Other Requirements
* Cell phone use is to be restricted to worship-related communications and emergencies only
during worship services.
* Talking and other noises are to be kept to a minimum during worship services.
* Individual appearance should be neat and orderly.
* Audio/Video equipment (to include screens) is to be cleaned periodically.
Reporting Relationship
The Video Technician reports directly to the St. Andrew’s Social Media Director or his/her designee.